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Book Chapters: Sole Author

                 Davies, B. 2023. Feminist Inquiry. In Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S., Giardina, M. D. and Cannella, G. S. (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (6th Edition). Newbury Park CA: Sage

            Davies, B. 2022. The terrifying normality of violence and the question of responsibility/response-ability. In S. Nyhlén, K. Giritli Nygren and K. Gillander Gadin (Eds). Forum for genusvetenskap – en jubilar I vardande. Tillsammanns och pa eget hall. Sundsvall: Mittuniversitetet

          Davies, B. (2020) Pondering the pond. Ethical encounters with children. In C. Schulte (Ed) Ethics and Research with Young Children:   New Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 147-161

         Davies, B. (2019) The play of seduction and desire in the making of a president. In Making Research Public in Troubled Times. Pedagogy, Activism, and Critical Obligations. Huckaby, M. F. (ed) Gorham: Mayne: Myers Education Press. 123-136

         Davies, B. (2017) The entangled enlivening of being: feminist research strategies in the early years. In K. Smith, K. Alexander, and S. Campbell (Eds) Feminism(s) in Early Childhood. Using Feminist Theories in Research and Practice. Singapore: Springer. 65-74.      

                Davies B. (2016) Gendering the subject in playful encounters. In Lynch, S., Pike, D., and a Beckett, C. (Eds) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Play from Birth and Beyond. Singapore: Springer ISBN: 978-981-10-2641-6 (Print) 978-981-10-2643-0 (Online)

             Davies, B. (2016) Emergent Listening. In N.K. Denzin and M.D.Giardina (Eds) Qualitative Inquiry through a Critical Lens. Routledge:

                    New York. 73-84

Davies, B. (2016). Ethics and the new materialism A brief genealogy of the ‘post’ philosophies in the social sciences. K. G. Nygren, A. Johansson, S. Nyhlén & E. Söderberg (Eds.) KO. Festskrift till Siv Falgren. Forum for Gender Studies Working paper series 2016: 10 Mid Sweden University Härnösand/Sundsvall/Östersund 111-132

Davies, B. (2014) Legitimation in post-critical, post-realist times, or whether legitimation? In A. D. Reid, E. P. Hart and M. A. Peters (eds.) A Companion to Research in Education. Springer. (pp. 443-450)

Davies, B. (2013) A feminist line of flight with the fairy who wouldn’t fly. In E. Sodergerg, M. Osterberg and B. Formark (Eds). Flicktion. Perspectiv pa flickan I fiktionen. Malmo: Universus Academic Press.

 Davies, B. (2013) Normalization and emotions. In K. G. Nygren and S. Fahlgren (Ed) Mobilizing Gender Research: Challenges and Strategies. Forum for Gender Studies Mid Sweden University working Papers 5 (pp. 21-30)

Davies, B. (2013) A feminist poststructural approach to environmental education research. In Robert B. Stevenson, Michael Brody, Justin Dillon, & Arjen E. J. Wals (Eds) International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education. (pp. 480-486) New York: Routledge with AERA

Davies, B. (2011) Listening. A radical pedagogy. In Fahlgren, S. (Ed). Challenging Gender: Normalization and Beyond. Forum for genusvetenskap: Mid-Sweden University, Sundsval

Davies, B. (2009). Life in Kings Cross. A play of voices. In A. Jackson & L. Mazzei (Eds.)Voice in Qualitative Inquiry: Challenging Conventional, Interpretive and Critical Conceptions in Qualitative Research. (pp. 197-220)New York: Routledge.

Davies, B. (2008) Practicing collective biography. In A. Hyle and J. Kauffman (Eds.)Dissecting the Mundane: International perspectives on memory-work. (pp. 58-74)University Press of America

Davies, B. (2008). Re-thinking ‘behaviour’ in terms of positioning and the ethics of responsibility. In A. M. Phelan & J. Sumsion (Eds.) Critical Readings in Teacher Education. Provoking Absences (pp. 173-186) Sense Publishers: Netherlands.

Davies, B (2009). (trans) K. Zabrodska, Jak znovu-promyslet ‘chovani’ v pojmech umistovani a etiky odpovednosti, Biograf

Davies, B. (2006). Identity, Abjection and Otherness: Creating the self, creating difference. In M. Arnot & M. Mac an Ghaill, The Routledge Falmer Reader in Gender and Education (pp. 72-90). London: Routledge. (previously published as Identity, abjection and otherness: creating the self, creating difference.  International Journal for Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood 2 (1): 58-80, 2004.) 

Davies, B. (2003). Working with primary school children to deconstruct gender. In C. Skelton & B. Francis (Eds.), Boys and Girls in the Primary Classroom (pp. 134-151). Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Davies, B. (2003). Positioning the subject in body/landscape relations. In R. Harré & F. Moghaddam (Eds.), The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in Personal, Political and Cultural Contexts (pp. 279-295). Greenwood: Praeger. 

Davies, B. (2003). Dissemination, or critique and transformation? In B. Francis & C. Hughes (Eds.), Disseminating Qualitative Research. (pp. 110-122). Maidenhead: Open University Press.