Place pedagogy change is a work of creative experimentation in which we explore the ways in which pedagogies of place can enable the relational learning of connections between people, places and communities.
Place pedagogy change is a book that explores new ways of learning and teaching about place. The authors are not interested in passing on a fixed body of knowledge about place, but in developing ways of knowing that are emergent in, and responsive to, particular places. They are interested in ways of knowing that change the knower—that generate a critique of existing knowledges and practices in such a way that they open up the possibility of transformation and change. They explore how one might come to know oneself differently by focussing not on one’s individualised self whose identity is constructed in its separation from others and from place, but on oneself in relation to those others, including human, non-human and earth others, who make up the places we live in.
Few would dispute that we are living in times of global ecological and financial trouble, and that we do not have the answers we need for dealing with those troubles. The divisions between the wealthy and the poor are rapidly increasing. We are collectively uncertain about what changes we need to make to avert the multiple crises that loom on our horizons. In order to move beyond these discourses of crisis, the authors, as teacher educators in rural and urban universities in Australia, have explored how they might educate current and future generations for engaging in life in ways that are responsible and creative—life-giving rather than diminishing. It is in the intersections among place, pedagogy and change that they have sought some strategies that could make a difference. This requires new research methodologies, new modes of learning and new modes of teaching.
Place Pedagogy Change was written by Margaret Somerville, Bronwyn Davies, Kerith Power, Suzanne Gannon and Phoenix de Carteret in the Netherlands by Sense Publishers in 2011.
Format | Paperback |
ISBN | 9460916139 |
Number of pages | 184 |
Publisher | Brill Academic Pub |
Year of Publishing | 2011 |
Place pedagogy change is a work of creative experimentation in which we explore the ways in which pedagogies of place can enable the relational learning of connections between people, places and communities.
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