Book Chapters: Joint Author
Davies, B. and Macarthur, S. forthcoming 2024. Sensual Encounters with the Materiality of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2. In S. Macarthur, J. Szuster & P. Watt (Eds.). Cultures of Work, the Neoliberal Environment and Music in Higher Education. Palgrave Critical University Studies.
Ga Gannon, S. and Davies, B. 2021. Doing collective biography through theoretical, material, affective, embodied assemblages. In R. Hamm (Ed.) Reader Collective Memory Work vol 2. Sligo: Beltra Books. pp 269-29
es, Davies, B., Diaz-Diaz, C., Semenec, P. (2020) Interview with Bronwyn Davies by Claudia Diaz-Diaz, Tracing Lines of Thoughts about Gender. In Claudia Diaz-Diaz & Paulina Semenec (Eds.) (202) Posthumanist and New Materialist Methodologies: Research after the child. Netherlands: Springer. Pp. 21-32
Wyatt, J., Gale, K., Gannon, S., and Davies, B., 2017. Creating a space in between: collaborative research inquiries. In N.K.Denzin and Y.S.Lincoln (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research pp. 738-756. New York: Sage
Davies, B., Somerville, M. and Claiborne, L., (2017) Feminist poststructuralisms and the neoliberal university. In Denzin, N.K. and Giardina, M.D. (Eds) Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times. New York: Routledge. 87-103
Davies, B., Halvars-Franzén, B., Lenz Taguchi, H., Moinian, F., Ohrlander, K., & Palmer, A. (2015). Becoming selves with/in landscapes and across borders. In M. Peters & A. de Alba (Eds) Subjects in Process. Paradigm Press.
Gannon, S. and Davies, B. (2012) Queering High School At Summer Heights . In Robinson, K. and Davies, C. (Eds) Queer and Subjugated Knowledges: Generating Subversive Imaginaries. UAE: Bentham Science Publications eISBN: 978-1-60805-339-1
Davies, B. and Gannon, S. (2008). Hanging on and flying. In J. G. Knowles, S. Promislow and A. L. Cole (Eds) Creating Scholartistry: Imagining the arts-informed thesis or dissertation.(312-324) Halifax: Backalong Books.
Bansel, P. & Davies. B. (2007). Through love of what neoliberalism puts at risk. In J. Kofoed & D. Staunæs (Eds.), Magtballader (pp 38-55). Copenhagen: Danmarks Paedagogiske Universitetsforlag
Davies, B. & Gannon, S. (forthcoming). Hanging on and flying. In G. Knowles, A. Cole, L. Neilsen & S. Promislaw (Eds.), Creating Scholartistry: Imagining the Arts-informed Thesis or Dissertation. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Backalong Books.
Gannon, S. & Davies, B. (2007). Postmodern, poststructural and critical perspectives. In S. Nagy Hesse-Biber (Ed.), Handbook of feminist Research: Theory and Praxis (pp. 71-106). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Davies, B. & Saltmarsh, S. (2006). Gender and literacy. In B. Francis (Ed.), Gender and Education Handbook (pp. 236-248). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Davies, B., & Gannon, S. (2005). Feminist/ Poststructuralism. In C. Lewin & B. Somekh (Eds.), Research Methods in the Social Sciences (pp. 318-325). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Caiger, J., Davies, B., Leigh, B., Orton, J. & Rice, A. (1996). Education. In A. Milner (Ed.),Australia in Asia. Comparing Cultures (pp. 69-103). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.